City of York Council

                             Committee Minutes




12 September 2024


Councillors Douglas (Chair), Kilbane (Vice-Chair), Kent, Baxter, Lomas, Pavlovic, Ravilious, Steels-Walshaw and Webb

In Attendance


Officers in Attendance

Councillor Ayre


Ian Floyd – Chief Operating Officer

Debbie Mitchell – Director of Finance

Frances Harrison – Head of Legal

Sara Storey - Corporate Director of Adults and Integration

Michael Jones – Head of Housing Delivery and Asset Management

Sophie Round - Housing Delivery Programme Manager

Maxine Squire - Assistant Director, Education and Skills

Kerry Lee - Wraparound Project Officer

Dawn Wood - Early Years Extended Entitlements Project Lead

James Gilchrist – Director of Transport, Environment and Planning

Claire Foale - Interim Director City Director

Alison Cooke - Head of Strategic Planning Policy

Matt Boxall - Head of Public Protection




27.         Capital Programme Update Monitor 1 (16:41)


The Director of Finance introduced the report. She outlined the proposal to decrease the 2024/25 budget by £81.72m as costs for some projects would be reprofiled to future years. She also asked the Executive to note the 2024/25 revised capital programme of £134.154m. She also explained that grant award to University of York for the Ousewem Flood Resilience Project had now exceeded the key decision threshold therefore would require Executive approval.


The Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion stated that with Council’s difficult position it was right to move borrowing costs where possible to future years. She noted that a lot of the funding for projects came from external sources, but that the Council did undertake borrowing to support schemes.





                   i.        To recommend to Full Council the adjustments resulting in a decrease in the 2024/25 budget of £81.72m as detailed in the report.


Reason:    To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.




35.         Safer York Partnership Community Safety Strategy (17:44)


The Director of Environment Transport and Planning introduced the report. He outlined that there was a statutory requirement to have a strategy in place. He explained that the strategy was a multi-agency approach and outlined the Council’s responsibility and how it would work with partners and stakeholders.


The Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities thanked everyone in the Safer York Partnership for their work developing the strategy. He outlined that the partnership had a wide-ranging remit and operated across York. He welcomed the move to a performance framework within the strategy which would allow greater reporting and monitoring of performance within the work of the partnership.




                   i.        Recommended to Full Council for approval in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


Reason:    To progress the strategy to approval at Full Council and note the Council’s role in delivery of the strategy.



Cllr Douglas, Chair

[The meeting started at 4.30 pm and finished at 6.15 pm].





















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